অধ্যায় ১৭ পদ্য ১৪

অধ্যায় ১৭ পদ্য ১৪

The Gita – Chapter 17 – Shloka 14

Shloka 14

The worship of the Gods of Light; of the twice-born; worship and respect given to the religious teacher and the wise; worship and respect for all that is pure and true, all that represents justice and righteousness, virginity and non-violence, all of this brings tranquility and harmony to the body.

देवता, ब्राह्मण, गुरु और ज्ञानीजनों का पूजन, पवित्रता, सरलता, ब्रह्मचर्य और अहिंसा —–यह शरीर सम्बन्धी तप कहा जाता है ।। १४ ।।

The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali and English – The Gita.net


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